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How to build Client Partnerships for Life

Updated: Feb 16, 2021

Once you get a client referring other clients, you’d think you’ve done your job.

Hmmmm there’s just one problem though. Total lack of control over the clients they send your way. How do you tell a top client’s mate, ‘er sorry you’re not our cuppa tea’. Awks. Well, there is a way. Don’t waste time waiting for clients to bring referrals and bunging them a fee. Work with the right clients, to get the business you want; Client Partnerships driven by you.

Client Partnerships driven by you

R&D Tax Relief is a perfect service to drive client partnerships that will deliver in more than one way. It’s relevant for super attractive innovative, growing businesses that require a range of services, not just tax returns and book-keeping. It’s also very easy for your existing R&D Tax Claim clients to demonstrate the value to any clients they have: ‘My Accountant saved me £15K in an R&D Tax Claim last year & they only needed 1hr of my time’. 

It’s gotta be mutual

But getting client partnerships to work isn’t easy. However, there is a super easy concept to focus on, to give them the greatest chance of success; ensure the benefit is mutual for everyone. 

Here’s an example. Okay, so in this Partnership you have three parties

(1) R&D Tax Specialist: This could be you in partnership with us!

(2) A Developer: This is your client, a business helping clients develop apps, and

(3) The Developer’s Client: This is your client’s client, a business developing an app.

For each party, you want to think about the problem and the solution, making an R&D claim delivers. This is to make sure you tick the right boxes for everyone….so here goes:

The Developer’s Client Problem: They want to keep developing their app but they are always needing to consider cashflow and project costs, to keep the project going.

R&D BENEFIT: The Client has the benefit of cashflow & knowledge they can make a claim on certain projects enabling them to plan the project, driving it forward.

The Developer Problem: The developer helps to develop the app and plan projects. Unfortunately, his time is equally restricted by the clients concerns over cashflow. 

R&D BENEFIT: The client has a better understanding of the project costs now they know how much R & D could qualify. The client also has more money to invest in even more development. The Developer gets paid more and will deliver more work

R & D Tax Specialist Problem: Has the knowledge to deliver an R&D claim for the client, which can release more cash into the business, but awareness of R&D is a major barrier. 

R&D BENEFIT: The Developer helps the R&D specialist solve the problem of awareness by introducing them into their network, leading to more work and money back into businesses.  

You see, everyone benefits. This bit is fundamental, as everyone has something to gain through trying to make the partnership work.

All you need is a simple system

So, to get going you want to set up a simple referral system (which you will already be familiar with). Your clients will (1) be motivated, and (2) have an additional stream of income. This means more funds to invest with you. All you need to do is give your clients some information to share, and equipped with their own experience, they can find the clients for you. This could be via their supply chain, industry associations, or business networking groups.

So, for you DTX’ers using Radish Tax and who want to take control of their referrals, we’ve created a guide and all the marketing tools you need to setup an R&D Client Partnership.

Just send an email to and we’ll make sure you receive this.



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