This month at Diagnostax we embraced learning at work week with new weekly yoga sessions. We also had a fabulous royal wedding with a tea party and made the most of the sun on our balcony. A certain Director may also have failed the fire drill, tut, tut Gwilym.
To promote mindfulness and positive vibes in the workplace, our team has embraced the power of yoga, From Ujjayi breathing, to full body stretches, each day at 9 am the office falls silent as everyone participates in yoga. Every morning we get out our pink yoga mats to stretch and relax. This has proved to be a very effective method of increasing positivity within the office as well as increasing productivity.

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Who could have predicted the incredible response to the royal wedding? The Thursday before the big day, the office was DTX-ited! The recreational room was abuzz with food, games, and even a photo-booth.
Here’s a little peep inside our weird and wonderful world:

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Once in a while, you gotta put those protocols and procedures to the test. Introducing, the dreaded fire drill. Loud alarms, people in high viz jackets shouting ‘FIRE, FIRE’, it can all seem a little crazy, but in an office like ours it’s just another day.
So, everyone flees the building and the fire marshals start to call out the names of the staff, one by one, “Sam”, “Kylie”, “Ryan”………….and so on.
Until we have one person stood on their own….., Mr Gwilym Davies, such a trouble maker!
Perhaps you’ll remember to sign-in next time?

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If you would like to keep up to date the antics of Gwil, why not follow him on LinkedIn.