So, there’s been a few amazing updates to your tax diagnostic software. Each new feature has come from your feedback, and us wanting to impress your clients. Here goes…
New Director & Employee incentives report content! 🤓
At the core of the project were the combined talents of Tim & Gwil. That’s a delectable cocktail of tax prowess and client friendly sales skills.
The report has been revamped and we love the results. They’re far from taxing!
The report is user friendly, client friendly and oriented towards more impactful conversations.
Some of you may be familiar with our “25 ways to get money out of the business“- value extraction sheet. Well, that was pulled straight out of this section. A glimpse into awesomeness. This sheet has been used by some DTXers now for some cracking marketing content, and advice with amazing results. Helping create tax advisory leads and chargeable tax work.
The user friendly breakdown has also helped juniors and trainees step into the world of tax, with something lighter than a tax diagnostic review. Please share it with your team, and help your clients enjoy the fruits of their labour.
🍏🍎🍐🍊🍋🍌🍉🍇🍓🍈🍒🍑🥭🍍🥝🍅🥑🥒 (fruit, courtesy of
PS. Each section of the report is getting the same premium treatment, in due course. We’re really confident that the report’s content will be a huge asset to tax conversations – and great aid in turning the opportunities tax diagnostic software identifies… into action!
Sam has been coordinating the development team. Here’s what she had to say: “You’ll see it’s a lot more client friendly and comprehensive. It focuses on the 25 ways cash can be taken out of businesses. It should give our customers, and their clients, different ways to incentive themselves and their staff. Great for your clients, and great for doing a tax review on yourself!”
We’re new-tax-year-ready. So are you.
Due: LIVE!
I’ll handover this update to Sam, who’s managed the project with her typical meticulous mastery. I asked her a few questions…
Joe: What are the main areas that have been updated?
Sam: First off, section 1 of the report has been upgraded. As I’ve already said (above).
The other things that have happened have been the recently announced changes to tax rates. This includes:
Changes to the taxation of company cars, in section 1.
Increase in the National Insurance thresholds.
Reduction in a lifetime allowance, which is basically Entrepreneurs Relief, but it’s been renamed Business Asset Disposal Relief. I’ts gone from £10m to £1m which is quite a substantial change.
With Capital Allowances, something called the Structural Buildings Allowance has increased to 3%.
There are various other changes, but these are the highlights. It’s fully up to date, so your advice is too.
We’ve also signposted content for where it’s likely to change in the future. For example, if something is proposed to come out in 2021, we’ve put a reminder in there.
We’ve also updated for the individuals tax diagnostic, but there’s not as much fancy stuff in there outside, of where the company and individual diagnostics overlap.
Joe: Is it worth doing new tax diagnostics, given the changes?
Sam: I don’t think so. The rates have changed but I don’t think any tax diagnostics need renewing. I think as long as reviews are getting done every year, your clients will be up-to-date.
Joe: What were the main challenges in the coordinating the project?
Sam: What was weird about this budget was that they normally come out in November! Because of Brexit and all that, we ended up having 3 weeks to get it done. Remember Brexit? Well alongside Coronavirus hitting our businesses, we had to deal with the delays Brexit brought. I’m so glad both of these are now under control, in Diagnostax.
Joe: How do you feel now that it’s live?
Sam: Wonderful. Delighted. (She kept her poker face whilst saying that). We’re relieved that we’ve done this in such a short time-frame. It was a challenge to read all the ins and outs on budget day and thereafter. A LOT of research had to be done and then a LOT of testing. Because there was lots of change, we had to do more testing than usual to make sure all the variations work. There’s a team of people working on this, and we’re very relieved to see it completed.
Joe: What’s should DTX subscribers look forward to, next?
Sam: We’re looking into integrating our API’s with Companies House. We’re looking to start routing questions to people’s SIC codes… to their trading activities! Alongside the Preliminary Questions, this will help route more specific questions to clients. It’s gonna take some work… but definitely one I’m excited about.
And of course the other thing you’re already very aware of, Joe. The overall design of the software is almost ready to share.
Joe: Yeah, it’s looking really good, I’ve got one more round of feedback. Me, Tim and the development team are overall happy with how it looks. Dare I say it? Excited!
Shiny new report cover ✨💎
Due: 31.05.20
Thanks to the lovely chaps at Certax, we’ve generated a more stylish report cover and we’re launching it DTXers… one and all!
The cover will soon have your brand’s primary colour in a stylish tint, as a background. 🎨
The logo has been moved to the bottom right.
The report details have lost their white background table-like format. Replaced by a slick solid fill with extra details hovering underneath. Still legible and forever delectable. 😋
We appreciate any feedback you give us
If it’s something that you can’t find, it’s better ask than not! Please get in touch with any feedback, ideas and insights you would like included in the software – by filling out the ‘Leave Feedback’ form, in the software.
We’ve got more goodness almost ready to be launched. Watch this space my friends.