Welcome to an advanced tax diagnostic service.
Hidden from the main Diagnostax website… the Help Centre serves you – our customers. The 1%.
This practical section-by-section guidance and it’s top tips ensure you deliver and smash those tax diagnostic meetings out of the park – when playing with your shiny new toy…
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The Client Journey
A standalone section that delivers a birds eye view of your tax diagnostic service. Use it as a reference to make sure all the steps in your service are accounted for – to create a seamless experience that will feel carefully considered.
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Videos, templates, guides and resources.
Prepare for it…
Meet the client…
Follow up…
Okay. The resources sections are self-explanatory – I’m not going to patronise you. Instead, I’m going to cram extra goodness in, by introducing them from 3 perspectives: doing a full tax diagnostic, part of a tax diagnostic, and a tax diagnostic behind the scenes.
Completing a full tax diagnostic
Completing a full tax diagnostic will identify all of your client’s tax advisory needs. This is especially great for servicing your existing clients. It can help you and your clients plan the advisory activities of the coming taxable year.
Prepare for it… use the template invitations to get the ball rolling, your clients are lucky to have access to this service.
Meeting the client… use the checklists to ensure you’re consulting with maximum effect.
Follow up… with the templates that ensure the advice is implemented.
Completing part of a tax diagnostic
Using the ‘Build Your Own Diagnostic’, you can take your client through a selected % of the full review. This is awesome when it comes to winning new clients. You can use a ‘1 section experience’ and the results to entice a client into wanting the full service – a service that only Diagnostax users can provide!
Prepare for it… send the PQs checklists to ensure that the client arrives with all the information you need.
Meeting the client… it’s important that your prospects experience the value, first hand. Use the 3 W’s methodology to draw out their personal drivers, so that you bring the tax issues into a context they can appreciate.
Follow up… find out about ‘The Gwil Way’ and other methods for prioritising tax issues, inside the tax issues checklist – you’ll be sure to keep your client engaged …and won over!
Completing away from the client
Using Diagnostax away from clients provides some of the results, in a time efficient manner. If you know your client well, you can complete a tax diagnostic ‘behind the scenes’ and approach them with the results. It’s a great way of showing that you’re looking out for your clients, even when they’re not aware of it.
Prepare for it… use the checklists when hunter-gathering the data that has slipped past Xero/QuickBooks.
Meeting the client… ah ah ahh! You can do this in your PJs. Just answer what you know, don’t bother guessing!
Follow up… it’s especially important to keep your client engaged, if they didn’t experience a meeting. Make sure you’ve got their journey planned with the checklist – and set their expectations.
All that’s left to do now is get stuck in with what suits you!
This is a living, breathing area – new content is always incoming… and we are open to any guidance/template ideas you may have for our community.